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Privacy Policy

The privacy policy explains how Risk Free UK LTD (company registration no. 3733749) of Business and Technology Centre (SB213), Telford Innovation Campus, Priorslee, Telford TF2 9NT (Risk Free) use personal information, which you provide us.

Risk Free is registered with the Information Commissions Office (ICO) in the UK and protects personal information you may want to provide to us and is committed to complying with all relevant Data Protection and GDPR Laws.

This privacy policy only relates to our websites that we own and host.

If you have any queries about our Privacy Policy, then please write to DPO Officer at the above address or telephone +44(0)8700 110 500.

Visitors to our website 

For legal reasons, we may also be required to share your data with law enforcement, and or government departments/regulators. 

Customers and potential customers 

Our website is aimed at businesses only. You may contact us using our contact us forms or arrange demo forms or via the demonstration forms. You will be asked to provide contact details, email and telephone numbers. Once you contact us you will be passed onto our marketing/sales team, plus also potentially entered into our internal sales database. We will then contact you via email, telephone, sms and or post.

In the course of processing your enquiry we may also ask for consent to keep you on record for future contact about becoming a client of Risk Free. 

Clients of our customers

Where a customer has licenced our back office software solutions that we host, UK and EU Client Data will only be stored on EEA servers. Data that is stored for US customers will be stored on US servers. Personal information i.e. Loan applicants / Policy holders etc will be stored on EEA servers for EU and UK clients and the US for US Clients. 

In some instances we may pass data outside of the EEA for back up purposes. This data however will be encrypted at both ends so that data cannot feasibly be extracted. This way the data will be doubly encrypted where only we and sometimes our clients will have the public and private keys. We may also have to do this as part of a client’s request or from a subpoena/summons.

As part of our licence agreement clients of ours can licence certain modules that integrate with third parties and we may have to transmit client data to these agencies i.e. Experian, Call Credit, Equifax, Credit Safe etc. These will be the responsibility of these thirds parties, plus our clients. These will only be actioned with the permission of our clients that use this service. We may also have to receive data from third parties i.e. Money Supermarket, Compare the market etc. These will only be actioned again with the permission of our clients that use this service. These third parties will also be responsible along with the clients that request these modules. 

Job Applicants

If you are applying for a job position, then you will have to submit personal details about yourself and we will contact you, about any suitable job positions. We may also store your details / CV on record for future reference. 

Agencies / Other

The site is not intended for Agencies, but where we receive information this way via the website, we will normally only store your information for a limited or reasonable amount of time, unless you become a client or ours or we become a client of yours. 


Even though it is a difficult task, Risk Free work extremely hard to try and protect client data and information against unauthorised access.

We have a policies and procedures guide that we update and constantly strive towards; We also use encryption methods like SSL;

We have various sites checked very frequently against intrusions and hackers;

We use anti-virus and firewalls;

We also monitor technological advancements and update our security and systems. 

Cookie Policy

We use Google analytics to record the number of visitors to the site, plus a demographic of where they came from.

We use a Tawk.To cookie so that it remembers you the next time you visit the website without you having to reregister your details.

With our Risk Free software, we may use fraud detector markers to identify you. This is a measure to help try and protect client data. 

Modern Slavery Policy

1.1 Modern slavery is a crime and a violation of a person’s fundamental human rights. It can take a variety of forms, including slavery, servitude, forced and compulsory labour and human trafficking, all of which have one thing in common, the deprivation of a person's liberty and free will by another, in order to exploit them for personal or commercial gain or a combination of the two. Risk Free has a zero-tolerance approach to modern slavery and is committed to acting ethically and with integrity in all our business dealings and relationships. We are open to implementing and enforcing new effective systems and controls to ensure modern slavery is not taking place anywhere in our own business.

1.2 We are also committed to ensuring there is transparency in our own business and in our approach to tackling modern slavery throughout our supply chains, consistent with the Modern Slavery Act 2015. We expect the same high standards from all of our consultants, suppliers and other business partners and we also expect that our suppliers will hold their own suppliers to the same high standards. We forbid the use of slavery, servitude and forced or compulsory labour; and human trafficking and, as such, would look to replace any suppliers or contractors found to be involved in this. Our company’s whistleblowing policy is available to people connected with our suppliers upon written request to support@riskfree.co.uk

1.3 This policy applies to all persons working for us including employees at all levels, directors, officers, agency workers, volunteers, interns, agents and contractors.

1.4 This policy now forms part of an/our employee’s employment contract. For employee’s employed prior to and including 20/09/2018, they have an addendum. Employee’s post 20/09/2018 will have a new contract that incorporates this legislation. For clarity, an employee of Risk Free, must comply with the modern slavery policy.


We may have to make changes to this Privacy Notice in the future. V3.3 202404


Thank you for contacting us
Business & Technology Centre
Telford Innovation Campus
Telford, Shropshire TF2 9NT
United Kingdom
Contact us
Business & Technology Centre
Telford Innovation Campus
Telford, Shropshire TF2 9NT
United Kingdom
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Thank you for your submission, we aim to respond to you within one business day.

For any additional questions, please contact us on
+44(0)1952 244660

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